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A person must accompany our patients.

Please inform the service nurses about possible companion changes.

Do not leave your patient’s side as much as possible. If you need to leave, please inform the nurse on duty.

Do not bring any foodstuffs to our hospital from outside.

Chaperones (except for physician and nurse directives) should not perform any patient-oriented practices.

Attendants should be careful to keep the items and materials belonging to the hospital organized and clean. Jul:

In order to provide a peaceful environment for our patients, it is necessary that the patient’s relatives do not speak loudly in the patient’s room and the service corridor and do not make noise. In addition, televisions in your rooms should not be used in a way that makes others uncomfortable.

Chaperones cannot take their patients out of the hospital except at the request of the attending physician or nurse.

Please take care to have a female companion in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Children’s Services in terms of the privacy of our patients



children under the age of 12, people with complaints of respiratory tract infections such as fever, cough, sneezing and sore throat, people with a known infectious disease and/or any chronic disease, and the elderly should not visit patients at the hospital.

Patient visits should be kept short.

Do not hug and kiss patients and relatives of patients.

Hands should be washed well with soap and water before entering and after leaving the patient’s rooms.

Environmental contact should be avoided in patient rooms. Patient-related treatment materials such as serum kit, oxygen manometer should not be touched.

The patient should not be seated in their beds.

Patients hospitalized due to respiratory tract infection should not be visited if possible, and patients should not be approached more than 2 meters if a visit is mandatory.

No food or drink should be brought to the patient from outside without the permission of his doctor.

At the end of the visit times, the visit should be terminated without waiting for the warnings of the officials. 


VISITING HOURS IN DECOMMISSIONED UNITS: In our hospital; visits of patients are allowed to be between 10:00 and 22:00. These hours were determined by taking into account the rest periods of our patients. In addition, it is very important for the health of our patient that the number of visitors in the rooms is kept within reasonable limits and that the duration of the visit does not exceed 10 minutes. In some necessary cases, such as the clinical condition of patients, the functioning of units, changes may be made at these specified times and/or visitor restrictions may be applied.


Intensive Care Units are the services where our patients who are in critical condition are hospitalized. In order for the treatment to be carried out regularly and healthily, visits to these services must be limited.

Level neonatal intensive care visits; No visitors are accepted to the neonatal intensive care unit other than the mother. In addition, no visit schedule has been determined for this unit, and maternal visits are planned daily by the responsible team of the unit according to the clinical condition of the baby, nutritional needs.

I. Friday Dec Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 15:00 to 16:00, visits can be made only with the condition of being a patient’s relative and with the approval of the doctor in charge of intensive care

Visiting Hours, Rules That Visitors and Companions Must Follow