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In the most basic terms, anesthesia is the blocking of transmission at different levels on the nerve pathways that transmit pain. Our anesthesia applications are applied by our doctors who are experts in their field in our surgical rooms equipped with high-tech anesthesia devices for the health and comfort of patients both in surgical operations and in other situations where they are needed.

The first condition for safe anesthesia is to make an appropriate anesthesia plan for each patient. In order for this plan to be made, the patient’s medical condition should be established by an anesthesiologist. The decision of surgery, the patient’s vital functions are examined and controlled by the anesthesiologist; medical history, symptoms, laboratory investigations, medicines and the most appropriate anesthetic method by considering the operation to be performed are selected.

In general, there are 3 types of anesthesia according to their level; General anesthesia, Regional anesthesia (epidural, spinal) and Local anesthesia.

General Anesthesia is a condition in which consciousness, reflexes and activity decrease and pain disappear without temporarily changing vital functions by blocking transmission at the brain level. If the patient does not have any accompanying advanced health problems, it can be applied in almost all types of surgery.

Regional Anesthesia is the blocking of conduction at the spinal cord level. It is divided into spinal and epidural.

+ Spinal anesthesia is the administration of a local anesthetic drug into the spinal fluid. It is a complete numbness of the areas below the navel level (from the waist down). During spinal anesthesia, the patient is awake. The effect of spinal anesthesia persists for 2-4 hours. Cesarean section, prostate surgeries, leg surgeries (varicose veins, prosthetics, etc. it can be applied safely in initiatives such as ).

+ Epidural anesthesia; Local anesthetic and narcotic agent are given out of the spinal cord with a catheter inserted and the nerves are anesthetized. Pain disappears in areas that are below the applied level. In painless childbirth and cesarean sections, regional anesthesia is preferred due to the comfort and confidence it provides to the mother and baby. Because it allows the mother to stay awake during cesarean section, the mother can hold the baby as soon as it is born. It is most often used for cesarean section, hip and knee replacement, foot and leg operations, as well as postoperative pain control, including painless delivery.

Local Anesthesia is preferred especially for surgical interventions performed in small areas. Here, only the area where the intervention will be performed is anesthetized, the patient’s consciousness is kept in place. A local anesthetic substance is injected around the area where the surgery will be performed with the help of an injector, and the nerve areas here are anesthetized. It is also called infiltration anesthesia. after waiting for 3-5 minutes, surgical intervention can be performed. This method is preferred in cases such as emptying the abscess, closing small skin incisions with stitches. According to the properties of the anesthetic substance used, the effect of anesthesia passes after a certain period of time.